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Abstract #2116

Application of single-slab 3D-FLAIR, 3D-DIR and 3D-T2, compared to 2D dual-echo T2, in multiple sclerosis patients

Meier D, Barkhof F, van Schijndel R, Geurts J, Vrenken H, Guttmann C, Moraal B, Pouwels P
Brigham and Womens Hospital, Harvard Medical School

In multiple sclerosis (MS) trials a reliable comparison obtained at different time points is often difficult. Registration (and subtraction) might circumvent these difficulties but the relatively think slices of the 2D-T2SE induces blurring. These techniques might benefit from single-slab 3D images that allow the acquisition of thinner slices. A cross-sectional analysis was performed in which the number of lesions in different regions of the brain was determined. The single-slab 3D images showed an improved detection of intracortical and mixed WM-GM lesions (DIR) and deep WM lesions (FLAIR). Future studies have to demonstrate the distinct advantages of the single-slab 3D datasets using registration and subtraction.