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Abstract #2112

In-vivo 3D Multi-component T2-Relaxation Measurements for Quantitative Myelin Imaging at 3T

Mdler B, MacKay A
UBC Hospital, University of British Columbia

We developed a novel 3D multi-echo CPMG imaging sequence that provides an accurate and reliable way to carry out multi-component T2 measurements over most of the brain volume in a clinical acceptable time. RF deposition for multi-spin echo sequences is a concern, especially at higher field strength. We have shown that, by replacing composite hard-pulses with less SAR sensitive slab selective pulses, high quality multi-echo decay curves can still be obtained when a body coil with uniform B1 homogeneity over the brain volume is used. Geometric mean T2 measures as well as myelin water fraction values were in good agreement with previously published data at 3T.
slicewaterpulsesselectiveacquisitionbrainpulserefocusingslabagreementcomponentcurvesdecayslightlybodycoilcomponentscompositeespeciallyforcepsfractionshealthyin vivolongmapspublishedreplacedreported