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Abstract #2059

Lateral ventricular size in extremely premature infants: 3D MRI confirms 2D ultrasound measurements

Bengtsson J, Nordell A, Nordell B, dn U, Blennow M, Lagercrantz H, Nagy Z, Horsch S
Karolinska University Hospital

Cerebral ventriculomegaly at term equivalent age is an important predictor of adverse outcome of preterm infants. In this study we used 3D MRI as a gold standard for lateral ventricle volume measurement in order to study the value of 10 different, commonly used 2D ultrasound measurements. 34 extremely preterm infants were scanned with MRI and ultrasound at term age. Of the 10 sonographic ventricular measurements, 6 showed good correlations to MRI volumes. The best correlation was found to the measurements of the frontal horns (frontal horn product= short axis*long axis of the frontal horn, r2=0.947).