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Abstract #1935

Non-contrast MR Angiography of the heart and great vessels using SSFP with non-selective excitation

Deshpande V, Finn J, Ruehm S, Laub G, Krishnam M
Siemens Medical Solutions

The purpose of this study was to evaluate feasibility of acquiring non-contrast MR Angiography (MRA) images in the chest using a steady-state free precession sequence (SSFP) to evaluate cardiac morphology, and the aortic, pulmonary, and coronary vasculature. Non-selective RF excitation was implemented to reduce TR and sensitivity to field inhomogeneity. SSFP data were compared with contrast-enhanced MR angiography (CEMRA). Results show that SNR and image quality between SSFP and CEMRA are equivalent. Cardiac morphology and coronary vessels are better depicted on SSFP due to ECG-gating. In conclusion, SSFP with non-selective excitation is a promising approach for non-contrast MR angiography.