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Abstract #1865

In Vivo MR imaging of the Sequential Recruitment of Macrophages to the Soft Tissue Infection

Lee J, Kang H, Jung H, Lim K, Kim S, Lim T
University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center

Experimental soft-tissue infection in 6 male C3H/HeN mice was induced in the left lower leg. The iron oxide-labeled macrophage was administered through the tail vein 48 hours after inoculation of the bacteria. On sequential MR images after administration of macrophage labeled with iron oxide, the band-shaped lower SI zone was noted in the abscess wall. The relative SI of the abscess wall progressively decreased until 24 hours after the injection of iron oxide-labeled macrophages. In this study we demonstrated that the sequential recruitment of intravenously administered iron oxide-labeled macrophage can be monitored with 4.7T MR imaging.
ironlabeledoxideabscesshoursmacrophagemacrophageswalladministrationinjectionmedicinemicesequentialsofttissuecollegedistributioninfectionnotedrecruitmentrepublicunitzoneadministeredanatomicbandcellcontrastdecreasedin vivoinducedinoculationinstituteintravenouslylegsorgansprogressivelyradiologyresolutionsequentiallyshapedsliceaccordinganalyzedarrowsassessmentbacteriabeganbodychosecolonycomparingcorrespondedcultureddefense