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Abstract #1829

The Modified Fe3O4-NH3+ with RGD-4C Ligand for Cancer Cell Targeting MR Contrast Agent

Wu P, Su C, Shieh D, Weng J, Yeh C, Chen J
National Cheng Kung University

A comprehensive totally aqueous phase synthesis of NTA-Ni modified superparamagnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles was presented and the particles diameter is 6.2 &[plusmn] 1.1 nm. The Fe3O4-NTA-Ni particles may act as a modular designed unit rendering molecular orientation control, which was demonstrated in the receptor mediated targeting for cancer cells expressing specific integrins using RGD-4C-6-His fusion peptide as the ligand to self-assemble on the nanoparticle through surface immobilized Ni-NTA. In MR imaging study, we found that the Fe3O4-NTA-Ni-RGD-4C-6-His particles exhibited an efficient tumor targeting and contrast enhancement. Furthermore, the results of Pearls?iron stain on the tumor cells also provided the Fe3O4-NTA-Ni-RGD-4C-6-His particles as the tumor-targeting probe.
targetingtumorcellsmodifiedcancercelloralaqueousin vivoironnationalsurfacevitroagent