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Abstract #1615

Decreased Diffusion Coefficients in Suspected Prostate Cancer Regions in Peripheral Zone: A Comparison with Increased (Cho + Cr)/Cit ratios from Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

Haker S, Szot Barnes A, Maier S, Mulkern R, Tempany C
Brigham and Women's Hospital

In this study, diffusion coefficients from prostate peripheral zone (PZ) regions suspicious for cancer are compared with suspect healthy PZ regions in biopsy-confirmed cancer patients. MRS studies of the same patients allow for a comparison of D values in these PZ regions with the corresponding (Cho + Cr)/Cit ratios. We conclude that D maps with reasonably high spatial resolution demonstrate reduced D values in suspected PZ regions of cancer and may be acquired in reasonable scan times. As such, D maps may prove useful for helping target these regions for localized therapies or biopsies.