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Abstract #1446

MRI-guided prostate biopsy in two different standard 1.5 T scanners using an endorectal biopsy device

Engelhard K, Hollenbach H, Kiefer B, Winkel A, Engehausen D
Martha-Maria Hospital

Testing the valence of a MRI-guided prostate biopsy device. 50 patients with elevated PSA, negative tumor prostate biopsies underwent a MRI guided prostate biopsy in two 1.5T units.Tumor suspectetd areas were punctered using a biopsy device with a MR-visible needle guide controlled with a real time TrueFISP and a T2-weighted TSE sequence. Core biopsies were taken in the magnet with the patient in supine position. In cases of prostate cancer an excellent correlation was found between the site of biopsy and the histological results. The method can be effective in increasing primary tumor positive biopsies.