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Abstract #1417

Thermosensitive Mn2+-Liposomes for MR-guided Hyperthermia

Hossan M, Reiser M, Reinl H, Lindner L, Peller M
Universittsklinikum Mnchen - Grosshadern

Newly designed long circulating liposomes are shown to be a temperature sensitive contrast agent for MRI when MnSO4 is trapped inside. At the therapeutic temperature of hyperthermia of 42-43C the Mn2+ is set free, and can be detected by T1 changes in a MRI-Hyperthermia hybrid-system. Our results indicate that our new liposomal system has the potentiality to improve monitoring of hyperthermia and thus the therapeutic outcome. Moreover, the liposomes may also be used for specific release of chemotherapeutics by moderate hyperthermia.
temperaturefreereleasecirculatingconcentrationlongcoolingcourseincreasingindicatessamplebuildingcomplexdependentencapsulatedextrusionfeasibilityheadheatingin vivolipidsensitivesigmoidsupporttemperaturesthermometrytreatmenttritonadvancedaffect