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Abstract #1385

A High Performance FDTD Scheme for MRI Applications

Crozier S, Bialkowski M, Liu F, Trakic A, Wang H
School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, University of Queensland

With the current trend in Magnetic Resonance Technology towards high field strengths, the demand on single processing structures in large-scale and high-resolution applications is ever increasing. Therefore exploration of alternative computational architectures becomes necessary. This work presents a robust and optimised parallel computational scheme based on the Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method that employs the pervasive Message-Passing Interface (MPI) library for efficient computation and communication. The potential of the algorithm is demonstrated on two different applications regarding the analysis of low-frequency transient eddy currents during switching of magnetic field gradients and the interaction of radio frequency (RF) fields with whole human body inside a birdcage resonator.