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Abstract #1370

A high-performance head gradient coil for 7T systems

Eberlein E, Schmitt F, vom Endt A, Kimmlingen R, Riegler J
Siemens Medical Solutions

Head gradient coils allow for higher gradient performance compared to whole-body gradients without running into peripheral nerve stimulation limits. A new WIP head gradient coil with 400 (670) mm inner (outer) diameter, passive and active shim is presented. Key features are: gradient strength 80 mT/m, slew rate 400 T/m/s, asymmetric design to accommodate shoulder cut-outs for improved patient access, asymmetric shim coils with minimized inductive coupling between shims and gradients, force and torque compensation on all axes. The increased inner diameter compared to existing head gradient coils is used for a noise encapsulation, which can support a RF transmit coil.