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Abstract #1335

Measurement of nonlinear decay of alveolar partial pressure of oxygen in mice using 3He-MRI

Alsaid H, Stupar V, Gaillard S, Fissoune R, Canet-Soulas E, Cremillieux Y, Cieslar K
Univeriste Claude Bernard Lyon1

The objective of the study was to measure the time course of oxygen partial pressure (pO2) in the mouse lung. During breath-hold oxygen removal from the lungs in exponential with time. However, all previous studies assumed linear decrease of pO2 during short periods of apnea. High metabolic rate of mice results in pO2 decay time being in the range of attainable imaging time posing a demand to use a nonlinear model of pO2 decrease. We show in this study that it is possible to perform pO2 measurements in mice using this novel approach.