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Abstract #1270

A Metabolically Accurate Prostate Tissue Culture Model for 13C Labeling Studies

Vigneron D, Kurhanewicz J, Albers M, Peehl D, Sellers R, Nelson S
UC San Francisco

A new human prostate tissue culture system was investigated to determine if the metabolic profiles mimic those observed in-vivo and to determine if the tissue would incorporate 13C labeled substrates added to the medium. The tissue samples were incubated with 13C-3 Pyruvate and metabolic information was measured using HR-MAS spectroscopy. For each sample, a carbon-decoupled proton spectrum and an HSQC were acquired and the amount of 13C enrichment was calculated. The spectra from these samples contained all the metabolites present in in-vivo spectra and exhibited the expected changes with cancer. Finally, 13C enrichment was found in glutamate, lactate, and alanine.
prostatetissueculturecancerlabeledmodelmetabolicenrichmentsamplehealthylabelingslicesspectrumsystemcellcholinecitrateglutamatemetabolismsubstratesalanineglycinelactatemarkersmediummetabolitepathwaystableacidaddedassessmentcancerouscarboncompoundscoredeterminedevelopmentdiagnosisevaluationglandularheightshelphumanimprovedin vivominutespeakprogressionprotonsamplesspectratherapeuticaccurateacetateaddingadvancesanalyzedapparentapproximatelyassayavailablebioengineeringbottomcellularcharacteristiccitricclinicallycoherencecollectedcombinedcommerciallycomparingconditionscoupledcultured