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Abstract #1232

Detailed diffusion measurements of the liver and spleen over extended b-factor ranges

Shinmoto H, Oshio K, Higuchi N, Okuda S, Kuribayashi S, Mulkern R, Tanimoto A
Keio University School of Medicine

We have made detailed diffusion measurements of the liver and spleen using multiple b-factors ranging up to 4000 s/mm2. The signal decay versus b-factor over the extended range demonstrates a biexponential in both organs. The fast diffusion coefficients for the liver and spleen were 1.76)0.41 and 1.50)0.36 x 10-3mm2/s, respectively. The slow diffusion coefficients for the liver and spleen were 0.39)0.14 and 0.31)0.11 x 10-3mm2/s, respectively. The clinical utility of the biexponential parameterization is unclear, though clearly offers new and unique information for tissue characterization in the liver and spleen.