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Abstract #1002

Quantitative Analysis of Distribution and Clearance Rate of Charged and Uncharged Gd-chelates in Rat Brain

Schornack P, Wang P, Kim S
University of Pittsburgh

In the goal of this study is to quantitatively analyze the distribution characteristics of the Gd-chelates, GdDTPA-BMA, GdDTPA2-, or GdDOTP5-, in rat brain. The blood brain barrier precludes delivery by vascular routes so agents were infused directly into ventricular cerebrospinal fluid yielding useful quantities of agent throughout the brain parenchyma for many hours after infusion. Identical quantities of each respective agent were delivered by direct infusion at a constant rate over 5 hours into the left lateral ventricle. Qualitative preliminary results were presented previously and we now present quantitative results obtained from fitting the contrast agent clearance curves from regions of interest throughout the entire brain volume.