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Abstract #0880

Fast Contour Extraction in High Resolution In Vivo Rat Spinal Cord MR Images

Deng X, Narayana P
University of Texas Medical School at Houston

A fast unsupervised method for contour extraction in high resolution in vivo rat spinal cord MR images is developed and implemented. This technique is based on a B-spline snake defined in polar coordinate system. It deforms toward the spinal cord contour by minimization of a weighted sum of the external and internal energy of the snake. Our experimental results on 24 images from 3 normal rats demonstrate that this method can detect the spinal cord contours in 1.6 seconds. This method is highly reproducible and the computed contours correlate well with manually defined contours.
spinalcordcontourscontoursnakedefinedsplineextractioncomputedpolarradiususerin vivoresolutionunsupervisedcoordinatecorrelationoriginsystemtablecoefficientdetectedenergyfastinternal