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Abstract #0869

Single Scan 3D pO2 Mapping with Hyperpolarized 3He MRI

Wild J, Teh K, Woodhouse N, Ireland R, Paley M, van Beek E, Fichele S
University of Sheffield

A single scan method of 3D mapping of lung pO2 with 3He has been developed to increase scan speed and reduce errors associated with breath-hold repeatability and mis-registration in multiple breath-hold 3D p02 mapping. The accuracy of the sequence is demonstrated with gas phantoms and in vivo experiments on a healthy normal. The in-vivo values for the initial pO2 (p0) are in agreement with those published previously with a 2 scan 3D method and whole lung projection methods. The initial 3D B1 mapping reference scan could be used for subsequent images acquired with reduced phase encoded parallel imaging.
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