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Abstract #0861

Real-time Production and in vivo Imaging of Hyperpolarized 129Xe

Driehuys B, Cofer G, Pollaro J
Duke University

MRI using hyperpolarized 3He and 129Xe is challenging due to the non-renewable magnetization and single gas batches generally available for imaging. However, the polarization physics of 129Xe, lends itself to real-time and continuous production as has been demonstrated for in vitro NMR spectroscopy applications. However, in vivo imaging requires gas pressures to be stepped down to physiologic levels, and 129Xe to be polarized faster. Here, we demonstrate the capability to perform in vivo imaging using hyperpolarized 129Xe flowing directly and continuously from the polarizer to the subject.
flowvalvecellcontinuousdirectin vivoratscontroldeliverypolarizerproductionrealregulatoranimalanimalsbandwidthbreathcontinuouslyflowinglung