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Abstract #0722

Thin Slice Magnetic Resonance Histological Imaging and Co-Regisitration of Beta-Amyloid Plaques

Meadowcroft M, Zhang S, Connor J, Yang Q, Smith M
Pennsylvania State University - College of Medicine, Pennsylvania State University - College of Medicine

There continue to be difficulties within the literature regarding the co-registration of the through plane MRI data with histological preparations of dissected tissue samples. This problem has been addressed with the fabrication of the histological coil at a field strength of 3.0 T. Using this coil, imaging human brain tissue samples to obtain a one to one relationship between image parameter maps and the histological chemical stains is possible. This coil has been used to specifically address the problem of co-registering the hypo-intensities found in the MR images with focal iron deposition and A plaque distribution. These data show novel results supporting such a correlation when using the same tissue sample for both MR imaging and histological staining.