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Abstract #0659

Finding NAMO (Neuroelectric Activity under Magnetic-field Oscillations) with MRI in vivo

Truong T, Song A
Duke University

The direct, real-time, and non-invasive imaging of neural activity in vivo using MRI could have a significant impact in neurosciences. Previous attempts at detecting the magnetic field changes induced by neuronal currents in vivo have been challenging, because of the extremely small signal changes as well as confounding factors such as the BOLD effect. Here, we describe a novel technique that uses oscillating magnetic field gradients to detect the Lorentz effect induced by neuroelectric activity, and demonstrate its effectiveness in imaging sensory nerve activation in vivo in the human median nerve during electrical stimulation of the wrist.
gradientsoscillatingstimulationnerveactivityelectricalactivationfieldlossmedianin vivolobesnegativepulsescoherenceexperimentneuralresolutiontemporalcyclesdurationfivehumaninducedperiodsrestwristacquisitionappliedbloodbrainconductordemonstratingdisplacementinvasivenovel