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Abstract #0620

Prediction of Ischemic Tissue Fate----Comparison Among 30-min, 60-min and Permanent Occlusion Groups

Shen Q, Ren H, Duong T, Bardutzky J, Fisher M
Emory Unviersity

An algorithm was extended to statistically predict ischemic tissue fate in stroke rats subjected to 30-min and 60-min MCA occlusion. Perfusion and diffusion imaging was performed and an automated clustering (ISODATA) technique was used to classify tissue types. Probability profiles were derived and probability maps of risk of subsequent infarction were computed for a separate experimental group as ischemia progressed. The accuracy of these predictions was compared with that of the permanent stroke data reported previously. These predictions give probability maps of infarction based on valuable data obtained soon after stroke and thus have significant clinical value.