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Abstract #0605

MRI-derived rCBV Can Guide Intraoperative Diagnosis of Brain Tumors

Krouwer H, Rand S, Ward B, Ulmer J, Davian M, Schmainda K
Medical College of Wisconsin, Medical College of Wisconsin

When removing brain tumor tissue, an intraoperative (IOP) diagnosis based on tissue frozen sections are fundamental to the strategy of neurosurgeons. However, in practice, the intraoperative and final diagnoses are discordant. In this study we demonstrate the potential for MRI-derived rCBV information to guide the IOP diagnosis. Specifically, in the 41 brain tumor patients studied there was agreement between IOP and final diagnosis in only 49% of the cases. In contrast by choosing a normalized GE rCBV = 2.0, the probability of correctly predicting high-grade tumor was 90% and incorrectly classifying high-grade as low grade, only 10%.