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Abstract #0598

Flexible Feature Specific Inner-Volume Selection with Transmit SENSE: Methods and Applications in Humans, Animals and Biological Samples

Ullmann P, Schubert F, Haueisen R, Junge S, Seifert F, Wick M, Ruhm W, Hennig J
University Hospital Freiburg

The theoretical concept of Parallel Excitation or Transmit SENSE has been known for a few years now and recently experimental implementations have been achieved that have confirmed the predictions of the Transmit SENSE theory. The present study focuses on the evaluation of Transmit SENSE for biological and medical applications. First in-vivo images of inner-volume selection using Transmit SENSE have been acquired in humans and animals. Furthermore, experiments of reduced-FOV imaging and double parallel TX/RX imaging have been carried out in a biological sample.
transmitsenseexcitationpulseexcitedarraygradientlengthmatrixbiologicalin vivoparallelresolutionselectiveaccelerationchannelcoilelementhumanpulsessubjectachievedapplicationsexperimentheadreducedsamplesensitivityspatialtomatoanimalsbodybraincherrycombinationconceptdefinitiondonedoubleevaluatedfeasibilityfieldgoodinhomogeneityinnerintegratedlengthslocalizedmapsmedicalmodulereceptionrefocusingresidualscoutselectedselectionsetupsslicesurfacesystemvolumewhereasacceleratedacquisitionadditionaladdressedantennaapplication