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Abstract #0567

Contrast-enhanced supraaortic MRA at 3.0T using 8-channel and 16-channel neurovascular coils and parallel acquisition with acceleration factors ranging from 1 to 9

Willinek W, Gieseke J, Hadizadeh D, von Falkenhausen M, Nijenhuis M, Hoogeveen R, Urbach H, Schild H
University of Bonn

Contrast-enhanced MRA of the supraaortic arteries was performed on a clinical whole body 3.0T MRI using parallel imaging with high SENSE acceleration factors (SF) ranging from 1 to 9 and using 8- and 16-channel neurovascular coils. In 23 subjects, MRA with SENSE (i.e. SF 2, 4, 9) allowed for higher spatial resolution, shorter acquisition time and improved anatomic coverage (365 slices instead of 150 with SF 1) that included vascular structures of the head and neck arteries that were not covered by the standard MRA protocol with SF 1.