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Abstract #0550

Examiner Variability of T2 of Cartilage in Subjects with Osteoarthritis

Kaufman K, Khan F, Amrami K, Koff M
Mayo Clinic

T2 values of articular cartilage have been proposed as a biomarker for osteoarthritis (OA). This study evaluated the repeatability of T2 calculations of cartilage in patients with osteoarthritis. 20 subjects with patello-femoral OA were enrolled. A series of T2 weighted images were acquired to calculate T2 values of patellar cartilage. Images were digitized twice by two examiners. Inter-examiner and intra-examiner repeatability was high, both with mean T2 differences of less than 1 ms. This study will aid in determining the clinical applicability of T2 mapping in a clinical setting.