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Abstract #0523

Miniature Form-Fitting Transmission Line Resonator for in-vivo small-animal imaging at 2.35 T

Ginefri J, Girard O, Raynaud J, Robert P, Darrasse L, Woytasik M, Dufour-Gergam E
Universit Paris Sud

Performances of 11 mm diameter form-fitting Multiturn Transmission Line Resonator (MTLR) fabricated on a flexible polyimide film using microtechnological processes are presented. As compared to a similar but flattened MTLR and to a standard 10 cm volume coil, the form-fitted MTLR achieved SNR gains up to 2 and 8 respectively on images acquired at 2.35 T with a cylindrical doped-water phantom of 10mm diameter.An in-vivo subcutaneous model tumor image with a 156x78x1000 m3 voxels and a SNR of about 35 was performed in the mouse with the form-fitting MTLR.
coilformphantomfittedtumorflatteneddistancegaininsidesurfacecoilsflexiblevolumefittingsensitivitydiameterin vivo