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Abstract #0497

3D GRASE ASL is highly sensitive to detect hyperperfusion states in patients with acute stroke

Kern R, Gass A, Guenther M, Szabo K, Hennerici M, Sallustio F, Griebe M
Universittsklinikum Mannheim, University of Heidelberg

Hyperperfusion states usually reflect increase of CBV and/or CBF after recanalization and vasoparesis or in pathological states of high energy demand. In stroke, assessment of hyperperfusion may have therapeutic implications for stroke patients since thrombolysis may be needless or even harmful if vessel recanalization has already occurred. Arterial spin labeling (ASL) techniques provide non-invasive information on cerebral perfusion. Hyperperfusion states demonstrating areas with recanalization with earlier contrast arrival on TTP were detected in 7/36. Areas of hyperperfusion were clearly visualised on 3D-GRASE ASL perfusion maps, more easily discernible than on DSC derived perfusion maps.