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Abstract #0446

Long-T2 Imaging: Evidence of a New Water Reservoir in Multiple Sclerosis

Traboulsee A, MacKay A, Li D, Laule C, Vavasour I
University of British Columbia

The purpose of this study was to better define the T2 distribution in MS lesions and NAWM with particular emphasis on identifying potential long T2 components. Forty-eight echo T2-relaxation data was acquired in 20 MS patients. Decreased myelin water, increased geometric mean T2 (GMT2) and increased peak width of the intra/extracellular (IE) peak were observed in MS lesions relative to NAWM. A new water reservoir with a markedly prolonged T2 peak (200-800ms) was identified in 30% of lesions and several NAWM regions. Those lesions with a Long-T2 peak also exhibited longer IE GMT2 than those lesions without a Long-T2 signal.