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Abstract #0345

Noise Correction on Rician Distributed Data for Fiber Orientation Estimators

Dell'Acqua F, Fazio F, Rizzo G, Scotti G, Alonso Clarke R, Scifo P
Scientific Institute H San Raffaele, Scientific Institute H San Raffaele

New complex tissue microstructure estimators have been presented in order to resolve the white matter fiber orientations through Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI). These algorithms are based on signal profile and, since the Rician statistics behaviour has not been taken into account, the estimations are affected by noise artifacts. We present a signal profile correction based on the Maximum-Likelihood as a preprocessing for fiber orientation estimators.
fibercorrectionprofiledeconvolutiondistributionorientationin vivomagnitudenoiseorientationsdeviationreconstructedrelationshipsharpnesssimulationsspatialacceptableaccountappliedartifactsblurringcomplexconvolutionscorrecteddellestimationsexpectationfibersfinalimposesincreasing