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Abstract #0327

Towards rapid planar MR elastography of the human brain: A 3D analysis of in vivo shear wave propagation

Sack I, Rump J, Papazoglou S, Klatt D, Hamhaber U, Braun J
Institute of Radiology

MR elastography (MRE) allows the monitoring of strain wave fields for determining elastic constants of soft tissue.However, a correct reconstruction of elastograms requires the acquisition of full 3D wave fields which tremendously extends the time consumption of elastographic studies.Here, a method is proposed to reduce the dimensionality of the reconstruction of brain MRE wave images. A 3D analysis of the shear wave propagation through the brain yielded specific slice positions which enable to deduce shear elasticities with geometrically related error margins of 25%. Using planar MRE, the elasticity of the human brain can be estimated within seconds.