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Abstract #0288

Regularized Channel-Dependent Kernel Deconvolution for Resolution Enhancement in SEA Imaging

Wright S, McDougall M, Ji J, Son J
Texas A&M University

Single Echo Acquisition (SEA) is a completely parallel imaging method that can obtain a 2-D image using only a single echo. In doing so, it utilizes a bank of 64 or more mm-size linear phased-array elements with highly localized sensitivity. Nevertheless, the spatial resolution of the SEA images is still limited by the coil sensitivity profiles, which are not completely localized to the desirable voxel size. In this work, we developed a deconvolution method for resolution enhancement in SEA imaging. To address the highly ill-conditioning problem, Tikhonovs regularization is adopted to constrain the deconvolution process. Preliminary computer simulation results using data collected from a 4.7 Tesla scanner show that the new method can achieve super resolution when appropriate channel sensitivity is available.