Abstract #0178
Quantitative Analysis of Benign Prostate Hyperplasia with Apparent Diffusion Coefficient
Li F, Xiao J, Jiang X, Xu Y, Wang X
Peking university first hospital
BPH was probably the most frequent lesion in senior and it may be misdiagnosed as prostate cancer on T2W image and MRS. It remained unclear about the impact of BPH on the ADC value. The purpose of our study is to quantitatively analyze the ADC values of different types of BPH, and to compare them with ADC values of Pca. Seventeen BPH patients and fifteen Pca patients were divided into three groups: glandular BPH, stromal BPH and Pca. The ADC values of gBPH, sBPH and Pca were measured. Statistically significant difference could be detected among them.