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Abstract #0117

A Study of Differentiation between Prostate Cancer and Prostatitis by 1H MR Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI)

zhou C, Chen M, Dang H, Li S, Wang W, Zhang C
Beijing Hospital

The purpose was to investigate the differential features of prostate cancer and prostatitis by 1H MR Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI)Seventy-two voxels corresponding to the histopathologically confirmed regions of cancer or prostatitis in the peripheral zone were retrospectively evaluated using MRSI. Cancerous voxels were defined as CC/C0.8. The changes in citrate and choline in each voxles were also evaluated. The CC/C for cancer voxels was significantly different from the ratios in the voxles with prostatitis (p<0.05). The overestimation for prostatitis was significantly reduced by adding the requirement that citrate was not or slightly decreased to normal level citrate (Cit/Norm.Cit 0.75).