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Abstract #0114

Potential of 3D 1H MRSI and DWI in men with increased PSA

Kumar V, Jagannathan N, Kumar R, Das S, Jindal L, Thulkar S, Gupta S, Dwivedi S, Roell S, Hemal A, Gupta N
All India Institute of Medical Sciences

The potential of 3D 1H MRSI and DWI was evaluated in men with increased prostate specific antigen (PSA). Both MRSI and DWI were carried out prior to sextant biopsy during the same scanning session. Metabolite ratio [Citrate/(Cho+Cr)] and ADC were calculated for identical voxels. It is observed that the region of the prostate that showed reduced metabolite ratios also showed low ADC. A positive correlation was observed between metabolite ratio and ADC (r = 0.6 to 0.9). MRSI and DWI may show early changes of malignancy especially in patients with PSA 4 20 ng/mL, thereby improving detection of malignancy.