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Abstract #0085

Image Functional Modeling (IFM) using Hyperpolarized Helium MRI

Kenyon J, Tzeng Y, Albert M, Campana L, Zender J, Lutchen K, Washko G, Israel E
Boston University

Asthmatic lung structure can be assessed using Hyperpolarized (HP) 3He MRI. In this study we synthesized anatomically consistent airway tree models with HP 3He MRI imaging and oscillatory mechanics data to advance an approach called Image Functional Modeling (IFM). Specifically, ventilation information was extracted from the imaging data and imported into a 3D computational lung model. Matching the model-simulated ventilation and mechanics with measured data required heterogeneous constriction throughout the airway tree, primarily involving closures and constriction of small airways (<2mm). The IFM approach suggests the possibility of personalized assessment of airway dysfunction.