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Abstract #2533

Renal hypoxia estimated by O2-inhalation T2* BOLD MRI: association with renal dysfunction and left ventricular remodeling in cardiomyopathy

Michinobu Nagao1, Kiyoe Ando1, Yasuhiro Goto1, Isao Shiina1, Kazuo Kodaira1, Masami Yoneyama2, Takashi Namiki2, Atsushi Yamamoto1, Eri Watanabe1, Akiko Sakai1, Risako Nakao1, and Shuji Sakai1
1Tokyo Women's Medical University, Tokyo, Japan, 2Philips Japan, Tokyo, Japan

O2-inhalation T2*-BOLD MRI is a non-invasive imaging techniqueto evaluate renal oxygenation. This analysis revealed that renal hypoxia is strongly associated with renal dysfunction, and that early left ventricular remodeling in cardiomyopathy leads to renal hypoxia. This renal hypoxia image helps clarify chronic cardiorenal interaction and the effects of drugs for cardiorenal disease.

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