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Abstract #1811

Comparison of low rank compressed sensing with non-uniform undersampled non-linear FID fitting for time efficient 23Na TQTPPI measurements

Simon Reichert1, Dennis Kleimaier1, and Lothar Schad1
1Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany

This study demonstrates the feasibility of low rank compressed sensing and non-uniform undersampled non-linear FID fitting for time efficient sodium TQTPPI measurements. In simulations, undersampling factors of up to 5 resulted in less than 10% deviation from the ground truth for all parameters. This accuracy was confirmed in measurement data of agarose and protein samples. Hence, a measurement time reduction up to a factor of 5 is possible without significantly reducing the accuracy of the fit parameters. Thus, CS allows for time efficient TQTPPI measurements to investigate cellular processes as well as isolated sodium protein interactions.

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