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Abstract #1701

Profiling diffusion at the grey matter-white matter interface (GWI) to reveal unique microstructural features: proof of concept in aging

Roman Fleysher1 and Michael L Lipton1
1Radiology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, United States

Microstructure differs greatly between cortical gray matter and adjacent white matter and this point of transition, the gray-white matter interface, is a predilection site for pathologies, including traumatic brain injury, small vessel vasculitis and microembolic ischemic injury. The interface region presents challenges to both voxel-wise and region of interest (ROI) analyses, because small registration or ROI placement errors may lead to large errors in extracted diffusion metrics. We propose an approach to assess alteration of the sharpness of the gray-white matter interface and illustrate its potential utility through the detection of age-related decline of the sharpness of this transition.

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