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Abstract #1605

An Integrated Radio-Frequency/Wireless (iRFW) Coil Design for Wireless Q-Spoiling During MR Imaging

Jonathan Cuthbertson1,2, Trong-Kha Truong1,2, Jasmine Chen1,2, Fraser Robb3, Allen W. Song1,2, and Dean Darnell1,2
1Medical Physics Graduate Program, Duke University, Durham, NC, United States, 2Brain Imaging Analysis Center, Duke University, Durham, NC, United States, 3GE Healthcare, Aurora, OH, United States

The integrated RF/wireless coil design allows for simultaneous MR image acquisition and wireless data transfer with the same coil element in order to reduce the number of wired connections in the scanner. Here, we use this coil design to wirelessly transmit the scanner trigger signal to perform the Q-spoiling required for MR imaging. Proof-of-concept experiments in a phantom showed that this coil design was able to accurately and reliably transmit the scanner trigger from the adjacent console room to a WiFi-enabled module in the scanner bore, while having minimal impact on the image SNR or wireless performance.

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