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Abstract #3945

T1w MPRAGE transformation based on distortion-matched anatomy for high-resolution fMRI

Adnan Shah1, Takashi Ueguchi1, and Guoxiang Liu1

1Laboratory of Brain Function Analysis and Imaging, CiNet, NICT, Suita City, Osaka, Japan

We demonstrate transformation of T1w MPRAGE anatomy into functional space based on DAIREPI T1w-like reconstruction2. This transformation allows comparison of the respective tissue segmentations for highlighting brain regions affected by signal losses and distortions in functional imaging. Effective evaluation of functional imaging at 7T require such an offline quality check procedure to correctly identify the cause of missing hemodynamic activity in high-resolution fMRI at an individual subject-level. This proposed procedure offers a new way to perform analysis of high-resolution fMRI on a high-contrast T1w anatomy and cortical surface in the native EPI space.

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