Jörg Felder1, Chang-Hoon Choi1, Stefan Schwan1, A. Avdo Celik1, Seong Dae Yun1, Nuno Andre da Silva1, Ana Maria Oros-Peusquens1, and N. Jon Shah1,2
1INM-4, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich, Germany, 22Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurology, JARA, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
In translational
research going from animal model to in vivo human it is often desirable to
change as few experimental parameters as possible. For this purpose a unique
9.4 T animal scanner has been assembled consisting of a dedicated small bore
magnet and being operated with clinical software. Here we demonstrate an
initial performance analysis of the system as well as some more advanced image