Wen Cao1, Yulin Chang1, Suliman Barhoum1, Zachary B Rodgers1, Michael C Langham1, Erin K Englund1, and Felix W Wehrli1
OxFlow imaging approach allows simultaneous quantification of whole-brain
venous oxygen saturation and total cerebral blood flow for the cerebral
metabolic rate of oxygen. However, the current Cartesian rendition of the sequence is not ideal as the achievable temporal resolution is limited and
needs to be chosen upfront. Here, we designed a golden-angle radial (GAR)
encoding sequence that yields an effective temporal resolution of 1.29s and evaluated
it in six subjects who underwent a paradigm of repeated breath-holds. Good agreement exists between the two methods but GAR provided superior SNR and better
delineation of the temporal dynamics during the stimulus.