Michael J van Rijssel1, Josien P W Pluim1, Peter R Luijten1, Alexander J Raaijmakers1, and Dennis W J Klomp1
DCE-MRI requires reliable B1+ information. This study
presents a simulation-based fast B1+ estimation method for DCE breast imaging
at 7T. Numerical FDTD simulations were conducted to assess the inter-subject
differences in B1+ for four volunteers using segmented
breast images for the simulation model. Inter-subject differences are shown to
be comparable to the accuracy of popular B1+ mapping
methods, justifying the use of one generic B1+
distribution for B1+ estimation (coil template). This template
was created by averaging the simulated B1+ distributions over
the four volunteers. We demonstrate the feasibility of this method in three
in-vivo cases.