Melvyn B Ooi1,2, Dinghui Wang2, Ashley G Anderson III2, Zhiqiang Li2, Nicholas R Zwart2, Ryan K Robison2, and James G Pipe2
1Philips Healthcare, Cleveland, OH, United States, 2Imaging Research, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ, United States
MRI enables long sampling durations but at the cost of increased sensitivity to
B0-field fluctuations. For example, scanner B0-drift will be observed in spiral
MRI as a time-varying component of image blurring. A spiral deblurring strategy
is presented where a reference B0 map is acquired at the start of the spiral
exam; F0 navigators then quickly measure B0 drift over the course of the spiral
exam, and are used to calculate B0-drift corrected B0-maps for deblurring of
the current scan. F0-navigator accuracy is verified with independent B0-map
acquisitions, and improved spiral deblurring is shown for a structural brain