Shruti Agarwal1, Noushin Yahyavi-Firouz-Abadi1, Haris I. Sair1, Raag Airan1, and Jay J. Pillai1
Disruption of the normal coupling between neural activity and the
consequent microvascular blood flow response (neurovascular uncoupling or NVU)
may severely compromise the validity of BOLD fMRI in presurgical planning. The
effects of brain tumor-related NVU on resting state BOLD fMRI (rsfMRI) using
functional connectivity analysis have been previously published. In this study
we evaluated regional homogeneity (ReHo) of rsfMRI data based on Kendall's coefficient of concordance
(KCC-ReHo) & Coherence (Cohe-ReHo) and compared the results with the
amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation (ALFF) & standard motor tbfMRI
activation to investigate regional abnormalities due to brain tumor-induced NVU
in sensorimotor network.