Alexandra Wong1, Thomas Chavez2, Jodie Votava-Smith2, David Miller2, Hollie Lai2, Sylvia delCastillo2, Lisa Paquette3, and Ashok Panigrahy2
1New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY, United States, 2Los Angeles, CA, United States, 3University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Children with congenital heart disease (CHD)
demonstrate problems with multi-domain cognitive control of unknown etiology.
Cingo-opercular and cerebellar brain networks are known to be critical in
multi-domain cognitive control including language function. Little is known
about the comparative structural growth trajectories of the cerebellum and
operculum in CHD patients. To our knowledge, the literature only describes
fetal opercular measurements by ultrasound.1 And, data from the
neonatal period is scant, gathered from children suffering from “temporary
neurologic dysfunction” or from cadaveric specimens.2,3 The fetal
cerebellum has been described on MRI mostly in terms of its volume4,5
or area,6 although a few have used linear measurements as the basis
of their fetal cerebellar growth illustration.7,8,9