Abstract #4803
Design of a 24-Mesh Inductive Birdcage for Imaging of the Head at 500 MHz
Joseph Murphy-Boesch 1 , Qi Duan 1 , Steve Dodd 1 , Natalia Gudino 1 , Shumin Wang 2 , and Jeff Duyn 1
National Institute of Neurological Disorders
and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD,
United States,
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Auburn
University, Auburn, AL, United States
An inductive birdcage resonator with 24 meshes has been
assembled for imaging of the head in the confined space
of an 11.7T head-only MRI system. To reduce radiative
losses and de-tuning by the head, the resonator was
suspended within its cylindrical shield with no direct
RF connections. Four-port connection to the coil was
effected using inductive couplers with balanced drive to
further reduce E-fields. Bench sensitivity and field
uniformity are similar to a 7T coil. Power testing using
a custom phantom yielded differential temperature
increases that can be used to validate EM simulations.
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