Abstract #4529
Orientation-dependent rendering of diffusion fiber tractography streamlines for improved visualization of complex tissue organization
Chantal M.W. Tax 1 , Marijn van Stralen 1 , Max A. Viergever 1 , Nick Ramsey 2,3 , and Alexander Leemans 1
Image Sciences Institute, University Medical
Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands,
Magnus Institute of Neuroscience, University Medical
Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands,
of Neurology and Neurosurgery, University Medical Center
Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
The complex nature of diffusion MRI data has triggered
the development of new approaches to visualize the
architectural organization of diffusion MRI
trajectories, which is becoming increasingly important
with emerging human connectome studies and the growing
interest of applying diffusion MRI tractography in
clinical applications. We propose a visualization
approach that interactively and selectively visualizes
these tracts based on their local orientation, by
applying an orientation-dependent transparency rendering
to the fiber pathways. This greatly improves the
visualization and exploration of the 3D architectural
organization of pathways and the underlying tissue
configurations that otherwise would be largely covered
by other pathways.
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