Abstract #4523
Analysis of the generalized fractional anisotropy in regions of fiber crossings: a simulation study
Jennifer Andreotti 1 , Alessandra Griffa 2 , Thomas Dierks 1 , Andrea Federspiel 1 , and Patric Hagmann 2,3
University Psychiatric Hospital, Bern, BE,
Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, VD,
Lausanne, VD, Switzerland
Quantitative tractography methods require a detailed
characterization of tissue properties specific to each
white matter (WM) fiber tract. In our study Monte-Carlo
simulations are used to understand how the generalized
fractional anisotropy (GFA) is affected in the case of
variable configurations of WM fiber tracts crossings. In
particular, a linear sum of specific anisotropy measures
for each of the tracts (linGFA) is compared to the usual
GFA. The analysis shows that, compared to standard GFA,
linGFA has a more linear relationship with the
underlying characteristics of each of the fiber tracts
and hence would be beneficial for quantitative
tractography studies.
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