Abstract #4239
Robust retrobulbar MRA using BORR pulse for fat suppression
Yongquan Ye 1 and E. Mark Haacke 1
Radiology, Wayne State University, Detroit,
Michigan, United States
MR angiography for retrobulbar ocular vessels has been
limited due to the fact that the vessels are buried in
the excessive fatty tissues around the optical nerves,
which has short T1 and long T2 to show high signals in
most MR images, and thus the vessel-tissue contrast are
low. We proposed using a newly developed technique,
namely Binomial Off-resonant Rectangular (BORR) pulse,
to completely suppress the fat signal. Compared to other
MRA techniques, the BORR method yielded the best
angiography contrast, and has the potential to be used
on very high fields due to the fast scanning speed and
low SAR level.
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